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Worship 9:00 AM
3546 East Thomas Road
Phoenix AZ, 85018
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God has led you to the desert and spoken to your heart!

Image by Kevin Antol from Pixabay 

Welcome to Mount of Olives Lutheran Church!  Our church is a loving and welcoming community where we strive to make Jesus real in our imperfect world. We believe in God's love and kindness, and we aim to share that message with everyone, including you. With a strong dedication to serving the community, our church eagerly anticipates the chance to worship alongside you and discover together the joy that comes from being in the presence of God.

Season of Eastertide 2024

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Pastor Tim Perlick

The Open Tomb and the Open Heart:

Finding Intimacy with God in Eastertide

Siblings in Christ,

The Easter season, this glorious Eastertide, washes over us once more for 7 weeks after Jesus’ Resurrection. The echoes of the angels’ pronouncements – "He is risen!" – still resonate within the walls of our hearts. Yet, amidst the joy and celebration, a question may linger: How does this translate into our daily lives? How do we cultivate a deeper intimacy with the God who conquered death itself?

Think back to the empty tomb. Think of the despair the disciples felt on that first Good Friday. Their hope, their very reason for living, lay seemingly lifeless. But then, on that glorious Sunday morning, everything changed. The tomb was open, not just physically, but symbolically. It opened hearts to a new reality, a reality where death does not have the final say.

This open tomb invites us to open our own hearts, to create space for a deeper connection with God. Here, in Eastertide, we are offered a unique opportunity to:

  • Reflect on God's Unconditional Love: The resurrection story is a testament to God's unwavering love for us. He sent his only Son, not to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:16). Let this season be a time to truly understand the depth of that love and allow it to transform your own capacity to love.

  • Practice Gratitude: Think of the blessings in your life, big and small. The empty tomb reminds us that even in the darkest moments, hope remains. Let gratitude be your daily prayer, a constant recognition of God's presence in your life.

  • Embrace Vulnerability: The disciples weren't perfect. They doubted, they faltered. Yet, Jesus didn't cast them aside. Intimacy with God requires vulnerability, admitting our shortcomings and trusting in His grace.

  • Seek Quiet Moments: Just as the disciples encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), carve out time for quiet reflection. Let the silence be a canvas for prayer, for listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit.

This Eastertide, let us not just celebrate the historical event of the resurrection, but let it transform our present. Let the open tomb be a metaphor for opening our hearts to God's love, allowing Him to fill the empty spaces within. Through prayer, reflection, and a grateful heart, we can cultivate a beautiful intimacy with the Divine, an intimacy that will sustain us through life's joys and sorrows.

May the peace of the Risen Christ be with you all. Amen.

April 14, 2024 

Third Sunday of Easter

Service 9:00 AM

in person or live stream

Pastor Tim Perlick


 Live streaming link for Facebook below

log in at 9:00am


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April 7, 2024  Sermon Pastor Tim Perlick

Readings for April 14, 2024 Third Sunday of Easter

Readings for April 21, 2024 Fourth Sunday of Easter

Readings for April 28 , 2024 Fifth Sunday of Easter

Readingss for May 5, 2024 Sixth Sunday of Easter

   What is Advent

Special viewing of the 2003 Luther movie...

What is the Trinity  

When the Wisemen visited baby Jesus

Bibically delving deeper into the Lord's supper from the Old Testament


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Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time (Time after Epiphany), Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time (Time after Pentecost).


What do these seasons of the year mean to us

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In September 1952, the first gathering of Mount of Olives Lutheran Church was held in the Pulaski Club hall.  Today, our congregation meets on our own campus located at 35th Street and Thomas Road in Phoenix, AZ. 


We are in partnership with a number of like-minded organizations and ministries for the purpose of making the body of Christ visible to the world.  


3546 E Thomas Rd  Phoenix AZ 85018

(602) 956-1620


Tuesday - Friday  9:00 am to 1:00 pm


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